Mean in green
I'm Kevin. I live in Salem, Mass with my wife and little boy and I build software.

Migrating to Jekyll

Monday Dec 17, 2012

Migrating to Jekyll

So I've been fascinated with Jekyll for quite awhile, but just now getting around to trying it out. Markdown is simple to write, legible in a text editor and translates well into HTML. Plus, I can version control all of my site files in git, write content in Vim and publish on the command line. What more could you ask for?

There will be some gaps to fill, like image creation and such, but that's not insurmountable, e.g. Image Magick. My site isn't anything fancy though, so why not just serve it as flat files. If I need anything more fancy, I'll probably try out Parse with Backbone or something similar. The theme is a little boring, slightly modified Bootstrap, but that's alright with me.